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Anfahrt zum Johannesbad Hotel Palace in Bad Hofgastein
Anfahrt zum Johannesbad Hotel Palace in Bad Hofgastein

Directions & Contact

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Contact us

For direct contact to our staff at the Johannesbad Hotel Palace, please fill out the contact form.
Of course we are also happy to answer your questions by telephone.

Johannesbad Hotel Palace

Alexander Moser Allee 13

5630 Bad Hofgastein +43 (0)6432 - 6715

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By car

Depending on which direction you are coming from:

From Munich / Salzburg and Villach:
Tauernautobahn A10 to Bischofshofen, exit Gasteinertal, Bundesstraße 311 to Lend, Bundesstraße 167 to Bad Hofgastein.

From the direction of Innsbruck:
Motorway A12 via Wörgl, Bundesstraße 312 via St. Johann / Tirol to Lofer, Bundesstr. 311 via Zell am See to Lend or motorway A10 Kufstein - Salzburg - Villach, exit Gasteinertal, federal road 167 to Bad Hofgastein.

From the direction of Villach:
Möllbrücke and Obervellach to Mallnitz, through the lock to Bad Hofgastein.

Johannesbad Hotel Königshof Bad Füssing Anfahrt Bahn und Bus

By train and bus

Easily accessible by public transport

With Euro or Intercity trains to Bad Hofgastein train station.
The nearest loading point for the DB Autozug is in Bischofshofen.
We are happy to help you with the organization of the transfer.
For bookings of 7 nights or more, guests receive a free taxi from the train station.

Flughafen Transfer Johannesbad Hotel Palace

By plane

Via Salzburg, Linz or Munich airports.

All offers concerning airport transfers, no matter if low-cost or luxury - singles - families or travel groups to our Johannesbad Hotel Palace can be found on Telephone information +43-6432-6622

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