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1 night for free!

5 or 7 nights

from € 368

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Travelperiod from 04/01/2025 – 20/12/2025

1 night free

The TOP offer for your holiday

Book a few nice vacation days with us in the Johannesbad Hotel Palace in Bad Hofgastein and we will give you a whole vacation day for free - this is our TOP offer! Experience the wonderful Gastein Valley with all its facets and really enjoy your time in our two four-star hotels!


TAKE 5 - PAY 4:
5 nights including 1 night free

Travel period:

15.03.25 - 05.07.2025
13.09.25 - 20.12.2025

from € 380


14.03.26 - 04.07.2026
12.09.26 - 19.12.2026

from € 388


TAKE 7 - PAY 6:
7 nights including 1 night free


Travel period:

04.01.25 - 01.02.2025
08.03.25 - 20.12.2025

from € 570


03.01.26 - 31.01.2026
01.03.26 - 19.12.2026

from € 582

bed icon

5 or 7 x nights

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5 or 7 x half board & 4 or 6 x sweet dishes in the afternoon 

free icon

1 night free!*

wellness icon

Use of the hotel wellness area

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Johannesbad wellness services

The prices are per person/ stay. The tax (€ 2,40 (per person/ night), the guest mobility ticket (€ 0,50 per person/ night) and the RIC of € 1,10 from 15 years old are not included. Our packages are for adults only.

Our packages are for adults only.
Children, adolescents and 3rd persons in a double room receive the family-friendly (child) fixed prices (in a room with 2 full-payers) all year round including the type of board booked (without additional services). Additional services (such as: massages, entrance fees, mountain railway rides, etc. ) for children, adolescents and 3rd persons can also be booked.

2 children until 11 years stay in the room with 2 full paying person for free (15.03. - 20.12.2025 & 14.03. - 19.12.2026)


*For a stay of 5 or 7 nights 1 night is included as a gift (incl. half board)

Bookable in the following hotels

Johannesbad Hotel Palace in Bad Hofgastein
Bad Hofgastein (A)

Johannesbad Hotel Palace

In the middle of the Salzburger Land - quiet and centrally located - our 4-star hotel awaits you with healthy holiday enjoyment, pure wellness and active holidays in summer and winter.

Perhaps also interesting for you:

from € 368

Travelperiod from 06/01/2025 – 20/12/2025
in 0 Hotels available
Short Escape
Included services

Your short break in Gastein: 4 nights including relaxation massage and 20% on further treatments.

from € 644

Travelperiod from 06/01/2025 – 20/12/2025
in 0 Hotels available
Wellness Week
Included services

Every day relaxing! 7 nights with pampering effect including 3 treatments or a voucher worth of € 85.

from € 756

Travelperiod from 30/04/2025 – 10/11/2025
in 1 hotel available
Experience week
Included services

7 or 14 nights for the adventurous! The SalzburgerLand Card for 6 or 12 days - for free!

from € 797

Heilstollenkur in den Johannesbad Hotels in Bad Hofgastein
Travelperiod from 12/01/2025 – 22/11/2025
in 0 Hotels available
Heilstollen cure
Included services

Try the unique Heilstollen: 7/14/21 nights with entrances to the tunnel and medical examination.

from € 597

Magic of spring in Bad Hofgastein
Travelperiod from 15/03/2025 – 22/04/2025
in 0 Hotels available
Magic of spring
Included services

Enjoy spring sun, fresh mountain air and wellness! 4-7 nights incl. ski pass for 3-6 days or wellness check

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